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Cliff Richard
Song Database.
This site is an attempt to track down and list all songs touched by Cliff
Richard, as well as offer analysis and research into how the songs were created, presented and accepted
by the public. It is not a discography. It could better be described as a "song-ography" of Cliff's musical
career. The main pages are the Song Lists, which list all of Cliff's songs and variations thereof. All
additional pages are supplemental and are built off of those pages.
If there are any questions, comments, corrections or complaints (!?) about
this database, please feel free to contact me at
I welcome your feedback.
is a living document and will be continually updated. Check back periodically
for updates. The latest update was done
February, 2025.
Robert Porter
Upcoming projects and new releases
Exclusive to Rhino UK
...includes the new Golden single...